Born in Turin, Bandakadabra boasts a feverish live-events activity, which brought them to perform across all of Europe and to gain a growing attention from their fans. From Paleo Festival to Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival, passing through Jazz Sous Les Pommiers, Durham Brass Festival, Spancir Fest, and many others.
Winds and percussions.
Born in Turin, Bandakadabra boasts a feverish live-events activity, which brought them to perform across all of Europe and to gain a growing attention from their fans. From Paleo Festival to Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival, passing through Jazz Sous Les Pommiers, Durham Brass Festival, Spancir Fest, and many others.
In a few years the band staged their shows more than four-hundred times, from theatre and music events to Jazz and street festivals, establishing themselves as a unique reality in their genre.
The band recorded two full-length albums: Entomology vol. I and vol. II. Both albums are broadcasted all over the world: Italy (Battiti, Radio Rai Tre), U.S. (Splinter & Candy N.Y.), Serbia, (R.T. S., Serbia public broadcaster), Switzerland (Tenera è la notte, Rsi), and Germany (welbeat.net)

Ai confini tra la Sardegna e il Jazz (Sant'anna arresi), Musica sulle Bocche (Santa Teresa di Gallura), Torino Jazz Festival (Torino), Rock in the Casbah (Sanremo), Durham Brass Festival, (Durham), Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival (Edinburgh), Spancir Fest (Varaždin), Jazz sous les Pommiers, (Coutances) , Harry’s Bar (London), Torino Jazz Festival (Torino), Rock in the Casbah (Sanremo), Bluenote takes Aim (Milano), Festival Paleariza (Palizzi), Tutti Matti per Colorno (Colorno), Hiroshima Mon Amour (Torino), Festival del Barri Vel (Alghero), Bande a Sud (Trepuzzi), Flowers Festival (Collegno), Capodanno Torino 2015 (Torino), Club Tenco (Sanremo), Festival della Mente (Sarzana), Festival Arts de Rue (Aurillac), Cest is d Best (Zagreb), Mons fanfaronne (Mons), Chalon dans la rue (Chalon), Rues et Cies (Epinal), Les Routilants (Oignies), Les Mercredis du Port (Port Saint-Louis), Paleo Festival (Nyon), Brasserie Festival (Salisburgo), Cirques et fanfares (Dole), L'Humor de notes, (Haguenau), Les deferlate de printemps, (Les Sable d'Olonne), Festival Kalealdia, (Bilbao), Fêtobourg (Mably), Fête des Lumières (Lyon), Baule d'air, (La Baule), Guinguette La Javelle, (Paris), Guinguette La Belle du Gabut, (La Rochelle), Semaine Italienne, (Paris), Festival d'art de rue de Sarreguemines (Serreguemines), Vins de Bourgogne à L'Unesco, (Beaune), Péniche Cancale (Dijon), Festival Uličnih Svirača (Novi Sad), Les Accroche-Coeurs (Angers), Les Chapelles Boubon, (Val Briard), Anabel's, (London), Musicultura (Macerata) and many more